Mission & History


Climate change has led to the frequent occurrence of extreme weather events. As a result, there are negative effects on ecosystems, natural resources, food availability, etc. These findings are confirmed by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC). Therefore, taking measures to address these issues, especially in agroecosystems, many of which are located in sensitive and protected areas such as Natura 2000 sites, is a priority not only at the national but also at the international level. This requires a comprehensive understanding of the current situation to propose changes for addressing, reducing, and/or avoiding similar conditions. Based on the above, the program "Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems and Climate Change" aims to promote Sustainable Agricultural Production in an environment with constantly changing climate conditions.

The purpose of the program is outlined as follows:

a) Specialization of scientists in the design of Sustainable Agricultural Production in environments with constantly changing climate conditions.

b) Enhancement of research in the above subject in the country to contribute both to the development of new technology and to support the work of scientists active in this field.

c) Meeting the needs of the public and private sectors with specialized personnel in this field, as well as Educational Institutions and International Organizations.

d) Training scientists from other countries.

Addressing climate change requires measures to limit greenhouse gas emissions and adapt on a global and regional level. Actions to address climate change must involve a shift towards a path of a low-carbon or zero-carbon green economy using modern technology. The comparative advantage of the program is that it offers students the opportunity to gain specialized knowledge and skills in scientific areas that connect Sustainable Agricultural Production with changing climate conditions.


The MSc program "Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems and Climate Change" was established in 2018 (Government Gazette B' 3834/06-09-2018).

The instructors (faculty members, researchers, etc.) in the MSc program come from different specialties. Many of them have significant backgrounds (LINK TO CVs IF AVAILABLE) in the field of sustainable agricultural production systems in combination with sensitive and protected areas (e.g., Natura 2000 Network) as well as climate change.


The income of the MSc program comes from:

  • The budget of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  • The budget of the Ministry of Education, Research, and Religious Affairs.
  • Donations, endowments, bequests, and any kind of grants from public sector bodies, as defined in the case a' of paragraph 1 of Article 14 of Law 4270/2014 (Government Gazette A' 143) or the private sector.
  • Funds from research programs.
  • Funds from programs of the European Union or other International Organizations.
  • Part of the revenues of the Special Accounts for Research Funds (ELKE) of Higher Education Institutions.
  • Any other legal cause.

