Duration of Studies

The duration of enrollment in the MSc program leading to the Master's Degree  is set at three (3) semesters, including the time for the preparation and evaluation of the Master's Thesis. Each semester consists of at least 13 weeks of instruction. Attendance in all courses, lectures, and support for master's theses is mandatory. The maximum allowed completion time for the program is five (5) semesters.

Courses begin each year on the first Monday of October, and the program's duration is eighteen (18) months, divided into three (3) periods (Winter, Spring, and Summer). During this timeframe, each student must successfully complete ten (10) courses, attend the seminar series, and complete the Master's Thesis required for program completion. This specific period concludes in February of the following year.

Throughout each period, students are taught compulsory courses and, optionally, compulsory courses depending on the scientific area, elective courses, and courses from other MSc programs. Elective courses are chosen from the respective course catalog for each period

